We urgently need donations of:


We accept any laptop manufactured after January 1st 2012.


We accept any smartphone manufactured after January 1st 2015.
Please ensure that they’ve been factory reset!


We accept any tablet manufactured after January 1st 2017..
Please ensure that they’ve been factory reset!

Desktop PCs

We accept any desktop PC manufactured after January 1st 2017.
Custom-built PCs are very welcome! 

Computer monitors

We accept any computer monitor as long as it has:

  • At least one HDMI port or DisplayPort port
  • At least 1920×1080 resolution

We accept any smartphone manufactured after January 1st 2016.

You can donate them at Community Furniture Store, James Street, York, YO10 3DW or at one of the drop-off sites listed below. Please visit our get involved page to find out more
Organisation Location Opening Hours
Community Furniture Store (York) Raylor Centre, James Street, York YO10 3DW Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, Saturday: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
The Belfrey De Grey Rooms St Leonard's Place YO1 7HB Monday-Thursday 9-5pm and during church services on Sundays too.


  • We accept devices that have been damaged at our discretion. Generally the newer the device, the more likely we’ll be able to fix it.
  • We’ll use industry-standard software to destroy all of your data
  • We’ll supply certificates of data destruction for any laptop or desktop computer.
  • If you’re donating a smartphone or tablet, please ensure that it’s been factory reset through the settings menu. If you’re unable to perform a factory reset for whatever reason, please sign out of your Apple ID or Google account.
    • If your device is signed into your accounts, it can’t be reused.
    • We can help you perform a reset in-store, but not at our drop-off locations. Please make sure that the device is fully charged.

Business ITAD

We are looking for businesses that have quantities of IT equipment to dispose of.

We offer:

Free certified data destruction

    • We provide secure lockable transport per industry guidelines.
    • All hardware containing data is locked on-site until it’s processed.
    • We can erase as many as 20 devices per day. 

Commitment to the environment

    • We attempt to refurbish and/or repair everything we receive.
    • Any waste produced is collected by charities registered with the Environment Authority for recycling or reuse.

Social good

    • The primary aim of the project is to reduce digital exclusion. Devices we receive are distributed throughout the local community to those who need them most.
    • We provide volunteering & training opportunities to individuals in the community. Many of our volunteers have disabilities or face hardships which prevent them from entering the workforce. We help people take their first steps into a career in IT.


    • We’re happy to provide photos and case studies for your marketing and social media content.